Divine Play: Child Spirits Dongja 동자 Dongyeo 동녀
Long ago when tigers used to smoke, I once dreamt I had a huge public ceremonial event but couldn’t find my support or teacher, stirring feelings of fear and anxiety within me. I started searching room to room frantically searching for my teacher while a group of young children followed me vying for my attention. Oblivious to their attempts at engagement, my mind remained consumed by the quest to find my mentor. Frustrated by my neglect, the children erupted into tears and loud cries, their anguish piercing shifting my attention. I offered solace and reassurance, promising to devote my time and attention to them. From that pivotal dream onwards, I resolved to honor my child spirits with unwavering care and affection.
Since that dream, I've made a conscious effort to prioritize my relationship with my child spirits, ensuring they receive the attention and care they deserve. As a symbol of my devotion, I've taken to planting golden yellow flowers, a vibrant tribute to their youthful energy and vitality. Additionally, I offer regular offerings of candies, sweets, and toys, tokens of affection that serve to nurture their spirits and foster a sense of joy and belonging.
Saced spirit items for the children gods
In the rich tapestry of Korean spirituality, the presence of child spirits, known as Dongja and Dongyeo, adds layers of innocence, playfulness and charm. These youthful spirits are entrusted with running errands and carrying out tasks on behalf of the elder deities, serving as their helpers and messengers.
Having the privilege of participating in countless ceremonies through my previous elder and spirit family. Some folks express a preference for working with the grandmother and grandfather spirits, citing their perceived wisdom and stability.
They view the child spirits as fickle and unpredictable, perhaps dismissing their capabilities due to their tender age. And yeah, depending on their personalities Dongja and Dongyeo are not immune to tantrums and melt-downs, yet they, too, benefit from patient guidance and nurturing support.
Candy offering basket for the child gods
My experiences with my Dongja and Dongyeo spirits have been transformative, offering invaluable lessons in healing my own inner child. Through their playful energy and infectious laughter, they've taught me the importance of embracing joy and spontaneity in our ceremonies. Their presence serves as a reminder that playfulness is a vital form of medicine, capable of bringing lightness and healing to even the most solemn of rituals.
It's easy to underestimate the impact of these youthful spirits due to their tender age, but I've come to recognize the depth of healing they offer.